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Visa-Mastercard Claimants: CCC Can Help With the Wait for Answers
Written By: Dennis O'Toole
February 05, 2024

On December 1, 2023, the claims process opened for the Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement.


Off to the races? More like hurry up and wait.

Everything about this settlement is huge.

·      The settlement fund: $5.54 billion

·      The class period: 15 years. (2004 – 2019)

·      The eligible class: over 18 million businesses.


All this means a waiting game: waiting for answers from the administrator, waiting for confirmation of receipt of your claim form and any amendment you might make to it, waiting for your payout.


Certificate Clearing Corporation (CCC) can play the waiting game for you.

Since the claims process began in December, the administrator has been mailing over 18 million claim forms to class members, often as much as a million per day. Given the fact the class began in 2004, that means many businesses have moved, closed, or changed ownership in the intervening years. A lot of those 18 million claim forms will be returned, and administrator must process all those dead letters, look for new addresses, and field queries from others whose forms were lost in the mail.


Take heart! This is all part of the normal process. The claims administrator, Epiq Systems, is one of the largest and most experienced in the business, but even for them processing millions of claims, answering thousands upon thousands of emails and phone calls will take time. And once claimants do get their forms, or simply learn about the case and enter their information into the claims administrators site, they must then wait for a response and for instructions from the administrator—in a line that is millions long.


Meanwhile, you have a business to run.

CCC can take on your burden of communicating with the claims administrator and ensuring you get the recovery you deserve.


First, we can eliminate the long wait for a payment: We are currently purchasing claims to further expedite the recovery process for eligible claimants.


Second, we can help manage your claim with a savvy, expert eye based on our own vast experience. Given the disparate client types we have, from small businesses to large ones, from single tax-IDs to multiple, from closed to open, we are now familiar with many of the concerns and questions claimants might have. In fact, we might even think up questions that many claimants haven’t, thanks to our decades of experience and scores of clients in this litigation alone.


Third, we can take on the defense of your claim, and the understandable long wait for answers, for you—while you get on with your life.  We are already in regular communication with the administrators. Waiting for answers is our job. It does not have to be yours.


Give us a call today at 312-204-6970 or email us at, and we can make sure you never lose your place in line for a recovery.



Claim forms are being delivered and are available online beginning December 1, 2023. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. See more information at the Court-approved


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404 South Wells St.
Suite 600,
Chicago, IL 60607 – United States
Phone: (312) 204-6970
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