*Note CCC is not a claims administrator, nor can we provide any information on the status of claims. Please do not reach out with questions about a specific claim.
The $2.67B BCBS Antitrust Settlement took years to settle and now we are waiting years for it to pay out. What exactly is going on with the case?
Well, this settlement serves as a great example of how lengthy the legal process can be. This case first started in 2013 and was not settled until 2020. Then, in 2023, an appeal was filed, which has slowed things down even further. Appeals will generally take anywhere from 6 months to years to resolve and the only positive signal we have received is communication from the administrator requesting info.
This could be positive: in the last couple of months we have received requests for additional information in order to locate class members. A move like this makes us believe we are getting close to determination letters being sent, which is a preliminary stage before the initial distributiuon. It is also worth noting that while claimants may dislike the delay, plaintiff attorneys do too. After all, they want this case to move forward as quickly as possible so they can also collect their fees.
CCC believes the administrator will do their best to process claims and send determination letters as soon as the appeal is resolved. We should all be patient, but do not lose track of the finish line: the administrator may email you and it is important to respond in a timely fashion. When you receive your determination letter please note you can challenge that figure if you have the proper documentation.
If you have questions about a specific claim please reach out to the administrator through the official settlement website:
Or reach out to us directly: info@certificateclearing.com or 312-204-6969