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Coupon Consulting
Count on us for superior coupon design

Non-monetary compensation arising from class action settlements, such as coupons, vouchers and discounts, can be a beneficial tool for class members, attorneys and defendants, especially in cases that are taking too long to settle or with a defendant that's too financially strained to settle with cash. A coupon settlement allows the defendant to book the coupon on the income statement over time, instead of a payable and subsequent debit from the balance sheet. In addition with each coupon redemption, a sale is made, making class action coupons a clever marketing tool.


Using CCC as the coupon consultant, market maker and administrator ensures viable coupon structure, a vibrant secondary market and a smooth administrative process which leads to an extraordinary redemption rate, more value for the class, an appropriate fee for the plaintiff attorneys, a convenient financial outcome for defendants and a happy judge. In many ways, it’s the best outcome for all in consumer cases.


For three decades, CCC has worked with attorneys from the nation’s leading law firms to construct coupon settlements that bring value to everyone involved, becoming the most sought-after expert in class action coupon settlements. CCC has unrivaled experience in creating the vibrant secondary coupon markets necessary for maximizing everyone’s value from the settlement.


Solutions for a post-CAFA world

In a post-CAFA world, meaningful coupon litigations must garner sufficient value for the class for the judge to approve them. Coupons with high redemption rates ensure claimants receive fair value from the settlements and give judges the comfort that they’ve conformed with CAFA. The very design of the coupon is at the heart of this issue, as a coupon’s design has significant bearing on redemption rates. CCC is the preeminent expert in designing post-CAFA coupon settlements.


If you are a plaintiff's attorney with a difficult litigation or a financially strained defendant and now contemplate a settlement that includes coupon relief, our experienced consultants will work with you every step of the way to design a superior coupon, and show the Court how valuable your settlement is.


Defendants can also benefit from coupon settlements. Settling with coupons can supplant lengthy litigation, mitigating costs and risks. Coupons can and should enhance customer loyalty. In addition, coupon settlements are friendlier to the balance sheet than cash settlements. Plus, with every coupon use a sale is made, so revenues should increase. In all, coupons are a wonderful alternative for defendants.


Class action coupon settlements will continue to face scrutiny from judges. Thankfully, CCC  proffers affidavits and testifies to the merits of coupon settlements CCC has helped craft. We are standing by, ready to help you shape a settlement that is in the best interest of the class, the plaintiff’s attorneys, the defendants and the Court while remaining compliant with the spirit of the law.


Our main tasks as a coupon consultant include:


Learn more

Contact us at 312-204-6970 to discuss your class action case and how a non-monetary compensation approach could be right for your settlement.

About CCC Family


Founded in 1993

3,000 clients
and growing

17 million+
claims filed

$7 trillion
Client AUM

$2 billion
recovered for clients

Contact Us
404 South Wells St.
Suite 600,
Chicago, IL 60607 – United States
Phone: (312) 204-6970
About Us
Part of the Chicago Clearing Corporation family,
Certificate Clearing Corporation is the
industry leader in class-action services.

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