Many believed that the passage of the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) in 2005 meant the end of class action coupon settlements. But, CAFA wasn’t about eliminating coupons as a means of compensating class members. The legislation aimed to ensure fair value for class members and a reasonable relationship between attorney fees and the benefits to the class. With the right perspective and a deep understanding of the nuances of CAFA, coupons can be a powerful tool for crafting a settlement that benefits all parties.
How coupon settlements help defendant businesses
The benefit of a coupon settlement to the defendant in a class action case is obvious. Coupons are more economical for several reasons. First, providing a product or service doesn’t cost as much as paying out cash. A product that retails for $50 might only cost $10 to produce. So, a coupon giving the class member $50 worth of value may only cost the company $10 plus some costs of administration.
Second, coupons can ultimately be profitable for the defendant company, in that they may generate new or repeat business. This is especially true when the business offers more expensive products and services, meaning the coupon user may be combining class action coupons and cash for an eligible purchase. But, even when the coupon covers the full price of an item, redemption allows a business whose reputation may be suffering because of the issues that caused the class action, an opportunity to provide great service and perhaps retain the customer.
For class members, the benefit of coupon settlements isn’t as immediately clear. Given the choice, most of us would probably rather have cash than coupons with limited application and time restrictions. But, it’s not an apples to apples comparison. As the example above illustrates, coupon settlements give the defendant the flexibility to offer the same value at the same relative cost. While most people might prefer a $50 check to a $50 coupon, that analysis may change when the compensation offered is a $10 check or a $50 coupon.
Coupon settlements can also benefit consumers in that the option of offering coupons may make settlement viable for a cash-strapped company that would not otherwise be in a position to offer a meaningful settlement. In that situation, the class can press forward with litigation. But, if the company is truly facing financial challenges, litigation could drive them into bankruptcy, leaving class members with nothing.
Even when the defendant company is financially stable, a coupon settlement may mean the matter is resolved more quickly and easily. Since coupon settlements have less impact on cash flow for a business, they may be much more likely to enter a settlement and may reach an agreement much sooner.
Coupon settlements can be win-win propositions. But, only when certain criteria are met. And, that doesn’t always happen.
Coupon settlement challenges
Most in the industry agree that the increased oversight under CAFA is a positive development, especially for class action plaintiffs. But, CAFA left a lot open to interpretation. And, some elements – such as basing attorneys’ fees on the actual value of coupons redeemed – are difficult to quantify and calculate. That means attorneys on both sides of a class action suit are often working in a gray area, uncertain whether a settlement agreement will be approved by the court.
Coupon settlements have presented a wide range of problems in the past. For example, when a settlement is paid exclusively or largely in coupons, an injured consumer is often unable to secure any compensation unless he or she is willing to do business with the company responsible for the harm. Historically, coupons have been transfer-restricted or extremely difficult to transfer. Coupons have sometimes been difficult to redeem or time-limited in a way that limits their usefulness to class members. Accurately or not, these complications have sometimes been perceived as intentional obstacles meant to limit the cost to defendant companies.
Coupon settlements are also often viewed as a tool of unscrupulous attorneys, who may collect significant attorneys’ fees while class members receive only coupons they may or may not be able to use.
These problems have created some skepticism toward coupon settlements in general. But, these problems aren’t inherent in coupon settlements. There is a better, more fair, more easily quantifiable way to structure coupon settlements – one that benefits class members, attorneys, and defendants. These settlements are even beneficial to courts, since the value received by class members is easier to quantify, and the appropriateness of attorney fees is easier to measure.
Structuring successful coupon settlements
A coupon settlement that is beneficial to everyone is also a coupon settlement that is more likely to be approved by the court. Fortunately, there is a way to structure a coupon settlement that:
At Certificate Clearing Corporation (CCC), we’ve helped to structure and manage several very successful coupon settlements. One example involved two airlines, Korean Air and Asiana Airlines. The suit claimed the airlines had conspired in price fixing with regard to air travel between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
With CCC’s guidance as the coupon code consultant, the parties limited the type of restrictions that may cost a coupon settlement into question by ensuring that the coupon codes were freely transferable, the redemption period was ample, and some coupon codes could be combined for redemption.
This structure eliminated obstacles that could otherwise prevent class members from receiving fair value. For example:
CCC served not only as the coupon consultant and administrator, but also as market maker. This added service protects consumer interests and can streamline both approval and redemption, since CCC will purchase any and all coupons offered by class members. CCC will also purchase coupons from attorneys. This option allows the court and attorneys to have a clear understanding of the guaranteed value of the coupons, and makes it simpler and safer for attorneys to accept fees in coupons.
The case above resulted in a 100% redemption rate involving $36 million in coupons and more than $60 million in redeemed tickets.
Key elements in a successful coupon settlement
To craft a coupon settlement that is acceptable and beneficial to both parties and likely to be approved by the court:
We bring more than three decades of experience creating class action coupon settlement markets across diverse sectors to your matter. Our deep knowledge of the full process, from structuring a successful coupon settlement to managing distribution and making markets helps to:
To learn more about how we can help, contact Omar Reyes at (312) 204-6969 or
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